NC2P requires a committed national church planting process leader for whom the initiative is a top priority. A person with high integrity, person with Kingdom vision, who loves and relates to the whole church and is broader than any single organization or model of church plant. Able to keep peace with gatekeepers and continue to move forward with younger leaders (bridge the generational gap). A person with personal church planting experience.


A committed national church planting process leader for whom the initiative is a top priority. Filmed during the NC2P Madrid Conference (2016)
Durée : 06:58

Creation national wide CP movement - Dietrich Schindler

Madrid NC2P Gathering
28.-30.September 2015
Madrid, Spain
Durée : 23:53

Dave Ferguson at NC2P Apostolic Leaders Day, Berlin 2018

Dave Ferguson at NC2P Apostolic Leaders Day, Berlin 2018
Durée : 34:39

How to Aim/Cultivate evangelical unity in a nation with

Øivind Augland and Øystein Gjerme at the NC2P 2018 Berlin Gathering.
Durée : 47:48

How to multiply Church networks - Dave Ferguson

How to multiply Church networks - Dave Ferguson
NC2P 2018 Berlin Gathering
Durée : 43:56

How to renew the vision of NC2P to the next leadership generation? Best practices from Norway.

Øystein Gjerme, Norway at the NC2P Berlin 2018 Gathering
Durée : 14:42

Learning from DAWN Brazil, what worked and didn't work.

Larry Kraft at the NC2P 2018 Berlin Gathering.
Durée : 15:37

Peter Wenz at NC2P Apostolic Leaders Day, Berlin 2018

Durée : 32:34

Q & A Session Leo Bigger, Peter Wentz, Øystein Gjerme, Dave Ferguson

Durée : 56:12