NC2P requires systems for recruiting, assessing, training and coaching planters - principle driven, accessible to all.
Systems for Mission
A friend, John Caplin, once remarked, “mission without systems is temporary.” While I initially resisted, then puzzled over his view, I now know it to be true. Passion for mission often gets us to the launching pad and through ignition. Later in the process however, leadership may change or difficulties emerge and our dream to move from planting to movements may lose inertia. Mission requires in addition to passion support for implementation. What then do we mean by support ‘systems’?
13 avril 2018
A Case Study of Church Growth by Church Planting in Germany: Are They Connected? (by Stefan Pass)
It is widely believed that the planting of new churches is a cause of church growth, regardless of culture or context. However, surprisingly little reliable and relevant data are presented to support this claim. In this article recent membership data of the Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden (Association of Free Evangelical Congregations) in Germany is explored to examine the relationship between church planting and church growth. The data show that there is indeed a positive correlation, but since there is also a clear correlation between rapid growth and decline, the evidence should be treated with care.
Lire la suite18 mai 2017
M4 Europe, an example of process
M4 is built around the ABC's of church planting: Assessment, Basic Training and Coaching. We have created an online & interview system for assessment that helps leaders find the right church planting candidates. Our basic training allows for, not just for content, but a unique environment for planters and their teams to guide them during the first 2-3 years of their church plant. Coaching, conducted by experienced planters and leaders, helps teams take their plans from a dream to reality.
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